
Haz Mat60.00
Bond fee45.00
Terminal service fee45.00
Photo charge per shipment15.00
House bill handling fee20.00
Document pouch fee25.00
IT fee75.00
After Hours (before 8 am or after 6  pm)125.00
Expedited same day LTL pick up100.00
Guaranteed same day LTL pickup250.00
Over Dimension  Freight equal to or exceeding 8 ft but less than 12 ft140.00
Over Dimension  Freight equal to or exceeding 12 ft but less than 16 ft250.00
Over Dimension  Freight equal to or exceeding 16 ft but less than 20 ft700.00
Reconsignment  or diversion (change of congnor or consignee)55.00
Inside Delivery
(Provide flat rate – or – by Min/CWT/Max)
Inside (flat)
Inside Minimum100.00
Inside CWT8.25
Pallet jack35.00
2 man delivery100.00
Debris removal$0.06/lb subject to $30 min
Airport Transfer
(Provide flat rate – or – by Min/CWT/Max)
Transfer (flat)
Transfer Minimum150.00
Transfer CWT0.05
Transfer Maximum400 + FSC
ULD return$35 per ULD cap per trailer $400 + FSC
Wait time$55 after 30 mins
Shipper/Consignee Accessorials
(Provide flat rate)
Residential delivery $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Commercial Location (default)
Construction Site $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Distribution Center
Exhibition Hall $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Government Building $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Hospital $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Hotel $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Military $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
School $6.5/cwt subject to $80 min
Other Accessorials
(Provide accessorial name and rate. These will be listed as comments on your tariff)
Wait Time/Detention1.75 PER MIN AFTER 30
Attempt zone 1 delivery65.00
Attempt zone 1 pick up65.00
Attempt zone 2 delivery85.00
Attempt zone 2 pick up85.00
Attempt zone 3 delivery110.00
Attempt zone 3 pick up110.00
Attempt zone 4 delivery150.00
Attempt zone 4 pick up150.00
Stop-off charge75.00
StorageMin $40 per day $0.05 per kg per day (72 hrs. free)
IN Charge9 per skid
OUT Charge9 per skid
Pallet exchange$15/skid
Shrink wrap$20
Weigh & Dim$20 $0.05 per lb. Max $75
Sort & Segregate$1/package or $2/CWT whichever is greater
Labeling2.50 per label, supplied by the customer