SHIPPER and/or or BROKER shall tender certain shipments, from time to time, to Pinnacle Logistics. Pinnacle Logistics will charge and SHIPPER and/or BROKER will pay the rates and charges set forth in a separate Rate Confirmation Agreement for transportation services performed under these Service Conditions. SHIPPER and/or or BROKER represents and warrants that there are no other applicable rates or charges except those established in these Service Conditions or in any Rate Confirmation Agreement signed by SHIPPER and/or or BROKER. A Rate Confirmation Agreement can be supplemented or revised by written agreement signed by both Parties, or, prior to transportation, by facsimile by Pinnacle Logistics to SHIPPER and/or or BROKER if not objected to by SHIPPER and/or or BROKER, in writing, within twenty-four (24) hours from the date and time faxed. In the event brokerage services are provided and it is subsequently discovered that there was no applicable or understood rate in a Rate Confirmation Agreement, the Parties agree that the charges invoiced by Pinnacle Logistics shall be the agreed upon contract rate of the Parties for the services provided, unless such payment is objected to by SHIPPER within ten (10) days of the invoice date.
SHIPPER and/or or BROKER agrees to pay Pinnacle Logistics within fifteen (15) days of receiving the invoice, with interest accruing monthly at a rate of one percent (1%). SHIPPERand/or or BROKER shall also be liable for any expenses, including attorney fees, BROKER incurs in collecting its rates and charges.
Send remittance to:
(Via U.S. Postal Service)
Pinnacle Logistics DFW, LLC PO Box 610250 Dallas, TX 75261(Via overnight service or courier)
Pinnacle Logistics DFW, LLC 2420 Innovation Drive #610250 DFW Airport, TX 75261SHIPPER agrees that any payments made hereunder are made in payment of debts incurred in the ordinary course of business and are made according to ordinary business terms. Shipper shall be liable for all charges arising out of transportation services requested by Shipper and performed by Carrier.
SHIPPER understands and agrees that in the event of failure to pay freight charges as due, Pinnacle Logistics shall be entitled to a general lien on any cargo in the possession of Pinnacle Logistics and/or the Servicing Motor Carrier which is tendered or owned by SHIPPER regardless of whether such freight charges apply to the cargo in the possession of Pinnacle Logistics. Pinnacle Logistics’s rights and obligations with respect to disposal of such cargo and enforcement of its lien shall be as set forth under the law of the state selected by the Parties to govern disputes under this Agreement assuming a valid carrier lien under such state law regardless of whether the lien at issue qualifies for enforcement under such law.
Furthermore, SHIPPER understands and agrees that if a Consignee or other 3rd Party is responsible for payment of the freight charges, and refuses to make payment for the services rendered, the charges will be rebilled to the SHIPPER’s account.
Your shipment may be delayed if we determine that it is billed to an account number which is not in good credit standing.